Friday, May 29, 2009

Missha - BB Cream

Price: RM75 (50ml), RM50 (30ml)

Size: 30ml & 50ml
SPF 42 PA+++
Colors: No 23 & No 21
Suitable for all skin type
Anti-Wrinkle + UV Protection (SPF 42 PA+++) + Moisturing + Whitening + Make-up Base + Foundation

Missha BB Cream provides excellently concealing any type of pigmentation or discoloration area on face including acne, couperose, vitiligo, age spots, sun spots and dark circles.
-For any skin type even for acne or sensitive skin
-It can be used for make-up base or foundation or sinple apply on it as a daily skin care
-Containing substances for soothing the skin (Na-complex)
Missha BB Cream contains natural ingredients that do not damage or irratate the skin. With continuous use, your sensitive skin will be calm, protected from redness and keep it health.
Missha BB Cream is a natural care cream for sensitive skin, naturally covering the irregularities on the skin as well as improving skin texture. Botanical ingredients, such as mugwort and pumpkin, and the nutritional ingredients keep skin moist and silky. Missha BB Cream is a multifunctional product that can be used instead of make-up base and foundation.

完美亮白抗皺底霜具超卓遮瑕功效,能修飾粗大毛孔,具持久自然的覆蓋效果,令膚質更細緻幼滑。產品備有2種顏色選擇,包括No.21(明亮膚色) 及No.23 (自然膚色) ,有效調整肌膚色澤,改善膚色不均勻及暗啞情況,塗抺後更顯通透自然,締造透明而帶光澤的肌膚,持久使用更具有美白功效。而呈乳霜狀的底霜質感輕薄貼服及幼細,清爽不黏厚,更沒有油膩感,只需薄薄塗沫一層,便能令肌膚頃刻剔透無瑕,妝容效果更臻完美。集多功能於一身的修護底霜,揉合了多項護膚優點,功效更獲得KFDA韓國政府食物及藥品廳認證。底霜蘊含多種高效成份,包括迷疊香精華(Rosemary Extract)及甘菊精華(Camomile Extract),能重整肌膚細胞,具紓緩及抗氧化功效,並減低皮膚受外界刺激而出現的敏感反應及炎症現象;此外還有兩種重要保濕成份,包括神經醯痠(Ceramide),是人體皮膚角質層的重要成份,能防止肌膚水分流失,具保濕作用;而玻尿痠(Hyaluronic Acid)則是人體內自然保濕因子的成份,能為肌膚表層建立屏障保護機能,有效鎖住大量水分子;另外還具有植物性膠原蛋白(Gatuline RC),它是從山毛櫸芽胞(Beech Bud)中萃取的精華成份,能有效改善新陳代謝,提升肌膚彈性及緊緻效果,並減淡肌膚皺紋,重喚活力。讓難以隱藏的衰老痕跡逐漸消逝,肌膚回復白晢幼滑,重現年輕懾人神采。完美亮白抗皺底霜具有SPF 42高效防曬指數,能長時間阻隔紫外線,保護肌膚免受侵害,更可減低黑色素的出現,即使在室內或戶外活動也安然無憂。使用前無需額外塗抹防曬乳霜已具有足夠抵禦功效,簡單方便。

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